diverse fiction in the face of adversity….

Stories From the Life

“Enormously entertaining…Jeff Frye is just a middle-class guy who decided to annihilate himself.” — U.V. Ray

“Just because I’m locked up doesn’t mean that I’ve lost my humanity…or my First Amendment right to free speech.”

“I may have robbed seven banks, and my body may be locked up for 20 years, but my words jump these walls and race out all over the whole world.

So if you don’t appreciate hearing the opinion on these subjects from a convicted Bank Blogger, stop reading right now. Put the book down, and move away slowly with your hands raised…and don’t make any sudden movements.”

—Jeffrey P. Frye was a successful man fulfilling The American Dream, before a toxic mixture of a sour “Monkey Nut” girlfriend and an opiate addiction compounded into bank robbery. Seven of those…but never with a gun… just with a note and a suicidal death-wish.

This book collects twelve previously unpublished stories, each tackling a year of Frye’s life. It begins with the crimes that led to his incarceration, then explores the “Survival of the fittest” mentality over eight prisons where you have to be Ford Tough to survive.